Thursday, December 25, 2008

tick,tick, tick...get me to next year

I ain't gonna lie to you....2008 has been one of the hardest years of my life. I got unengaged, moved out, had a terrible financial year, got deeper in debt & both of my football teams sucked! 2009 has to be better or i am gonna age 10 years. Today is Christmas & i am reflecting on alot of bad times this year. To make matters worse I am doing it alone as the woman i love is in her hometown & my family is dysfunctional to say the least. I will get out soon to visit my dad's grave which I usually do on Xmas & then drive around to reflect on what is next for me. I need to step up in all areas of my life & move forward on my visionquest. The pity party won't last long as i have so much to be thankful for & the future is bright! I am very fortunate to be loved, healthy & have incredible desire to do great things! I will be more active with this blog as well. I am having an event planning session with my friends for 2009 in early January. I already have my birthday trip to New Orleans in February & a Wisconsin home football game in September planned. I have to get a plan to turn 2009 into my best year ever! I'll keep you posted. Merry Xmas & happy New Year.
Rip Pewett
treasure hunter

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It is the end of the World as we know it.....

and I feel like crying or seeking political asylum in Australia! Well, the Democrats got what they wanted....a president with no moral compass, no experience & no balls. I had been kidding during the campaign that if Barack Hussein Obama were elected President that I was moving to Australia....I just might. It is the saddest day in American history since 9-11. Our country is about to slip over the edge into an abyss that we may never recover. The picture is of Salamanca Market in Hobart, Tasmania. It is held every Saturday rain or shine & there is all sorts of treasure to be had. It seems a million miles away & it is on the short list of places in Australia that i would live. Cairns, Sydney & Port Douglas are also on the list. This is a scary time for all of us. For me it is especially scary as i start an import & export business & will be taxed out the ass. All we can do now is suck it up & move forward. I plan to get drunk in the immediate future.....My toast...Here is to all the dumb ass Democrats who voted for a man that hates whites & studied to be a Muslim as a child....Thanks for the Jihad you ignorant bleeding heart Liberals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The search is on....again

Well, it has been awhile but I felt the need to speak to the masses. After months of trying to work things out with my ex, I have closed that chapter of my life & prepare to find the perfect woman for me. The girl in this picture got my attention at the UT-UCLA game for her hair but alas she advised me that the cuffs did not match the collar. I have been trying to keep a low profile to avoid upsetting my ex but that is all behind me now. It doesn't take long to realize not much ever changes when you get back out there. Women are still crazy, catty & looking for someone i.e. their soul mate that will marry them, give them babies & provide for them. I know I am painting with a broad brush the entire gender but I listen to their conversations & it will always remind me that i have forgotten to thank God for being a man today! I believe it is time to revive the famed Ripper Chick Questionnaire...guaranteed to remind me to run for Australia. I'll give you an example of how solid this questionnaire really is....Question #2...Do you like beer? If you answer No...proceed to bottom, sign your just failed. The questionnaire is to remind myself that i am 42 yrs young & too old to put up with the craziness UNLESS a woman can pass my questionnaire. I'm not being cynical but I need to find someone as independent as me that does her own thing & likes hanging out with me when I'm not traveling around the world searching for treasure & one of a kind experiences. That is it in a nutshell but she would need to be at least 5'10" tall with a sexual trapeze in her bedroom as well! Until next time....remember Never,Never,Never Quit!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Once again we venture to Cali for UT loss but fun!

Well we invested our hard earned dollars into another opening game vacation to the West coast but played like ass. The usual suspects were involved & we picked up a late addition to the team for alot of fun. I could never live in California because I hate traffic but damn it was beautiful! We started by flying non-stop on Southbest to LAX & drank them out of Miller Lite then Bud Light...unheard of was the term Ron the waiter in the sky used. We became founding members of the Shaved white tail beaver preservation society as well...a big honor as we try everyday to do our part. Frank the tank was deemed to drunk to pick up the rental car much less drive it so as usual I default to that roll. We immediately hit Shakey's pizza as they had 2 things we wanted, more beer & pizza buffet. We gorged ourselves, checked into the hotel & went to find $14 pitchers at Chevy's for South Carolina-North Carolina State. Friday wet got up, got a work out in dog & headed to Venice Beach. Weird, Beautiful people everywhere. We ate, drank & took in the scenery. Next stop Los Angeles Angels game followed by meeting up with Barry's hot cousin & her friend. They turned the lights on at 3a.m. & said "u don't have to go but u can't stay here" Trina took us to some world famous 24 hr diner that i can't remember. Next day we were introduced to a Denny's w/a bar by Barry's dad who lives out there. We proceeded to Champ's sports bar in Burbank for roughly 10 hours of college football & beer drinking.... ouch!
Sunday involved a swim in the coldest pool ever for me & then a cookout at Barry's uncle's house. i have never seen so much meat put on a grill ever & i've been to Q-Fest. We proceeded to Huntington beach for some hottie viewing before picking up Brian Hamiltoe at John Wayne airport. We ended up at Duke's in Malibu right on the was cool but far away from home base so we were instructed to take Topanga Canyon road over the mountains. I scared the shit out of all my passengers but i had been on the curvy road before so it was like a road course for me. Gameday...we proceeded downtown Pasadena & got our pre-game drink on! Those UCLA fans were lame but hot! We made to the game & once again got out coached. We never should of lost to that team. Barry was as pissed as i have ever seen him. Thanks to brian, he & found the Jeep Liberty parked on a golf course. We drowned our sorrows & headed back to Casa la Hampton. We awoke & took the slowest path ever to Huntington Beach...the pacific Coast highway. We went out on the pier & had lunch on the beach as the junior shaved white tail beaver team prepared to play volleyball...much drooling as the food was so good! We made it back to LAX then to Vegas then back to Nashville. Overall a great trip, just like Cal was last year but as Barry said..."We play at Oregon in Eugene in 3 yrs & if we lose, we are never coming back to the West coast!" I concur. Some may equal but none will excel our UT road trip ability.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I should of kept my mouth shut

Well so much for a good break up. As I said last time I was laying low so as not to capsize the boat so to speak....well my boat took a direct hit below the belt when I was informed that Jennifer was dating a friend of mine & had been for 2 months! I did the math & realized we had only been apart 3 months...Geez. The picture is of us at BBQ-Fest in Memphis 2 years ago. Didn't we make a cute couple? It is hard to see but her new boyfriend is in the picture as he is on my BBQ team. Some people just don't get it. It is all about loyalty & respect. Those two obviously don't have either. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I'll think of something. In the words of the Magnificent One...."Revenge is best served up after 10 years!" So I have some time.
On a more positive note...I have recently moved into a 2 bdr lovepad & am in the process of tricking it out to Ripper's own specs. I am 42 yrs young & have never lived by myself...Yep that is what you read. I'm digging it & looking forward to many good times & new memories.
It is also 20 days to UT football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barry, Frank & myself are flying to UCLA on the 28th for some good times. It should be a stone cold groove my man. Always remember....No matter how good looking she is, somebody is tired of fucking her!
See ya,
Ripper "Committee of One"

Monday, June 23, 2008

It has been a wild & wacky ride has been 2 1/2 months since my last post. Jennifer & I broke off our engagement, I moved out & the roller coaster began. It took nearly 2 weeks to get all my things as her parents came in for a week followed by her best friend & i really didn't feel like facing down that gauntlet. It is normal to fear for the worst(all of your stuff burned in the chimney) but people amaze you in the end. We have kept things civil for the most part & i've laid low as not to capsize the boat if you will. So....once again I am single & dealing with the opposite sex again. They still smell nice but I still don't understand the majority of them.
I have been using my Y membership like a maniac with swimming being my main focus after the Country Music Marathon almost did me in. I am retired from that crazy mess. I am concentrating on tri-athlons from here on out...less running. It is summer in Nashville & trimming down is my main goal.
OnMeWay is moving up the mountain like the little engine that could. I attended a import/export seminar at Emory University in Atlanta. I discovered quite surprisingly that i am alot farther along that I had first thought. I am still working on my business plan & hope to have it completed within 2 weeks. I have set a goal for Australia/New Zealand for mid-January 2009 right after college football season is over. 70 days to UT football by the way.
All in all this has been a trying 2 1/2 months to say the least but i'm staying focused on my VisionQuest & looking to the future. And a qoute that helped me thru this time....."I'm against marriage & zoos, I believe wild animals shouldn't be caged" a Ripism if you will. Until next time!
Rip Pewett
Treasure Hunter

Friday, April 4, 2008

I hate working for the MAN!

I some times just wonder if I'm flat out lazy. I have a great idea for my own company but yet I am the slowest entrepreneur in the history of the free world. I have been talking about starting my own import/export business for at least 5 years & still no business. I understand the concept of baby steps but I'm not out of the womb yet. The picture is of a tool I found in Australia called the Super hammer. It is pretty damn cool! I reminds me of the Leatherman series but has a hammer & wire cutter at the top. I checked Home Depot, Lowes & even Sears but no Super Hammer. I was getting very excited until I spotted one at a Mapco Convenience store. The wind was out of my proverbial sail but i still wonder why the Big 3 don't have it. The bottom line is ....I need to get off my fat ass & complete my business plan & then start pitching people for investment capital. I hate going to work everyday & being told how to think, how to dress & the proper way to sell. Screw all that. As I've always said, I am the only boss i will ever truly love.
I should also note that i am too hard on myself as i have come along way in those 5 years. I have paid for my domain name for those 5 years, I have built my own website & designed a pretty badass logo. I've been back to Australia & built a possible network of Aussie vendors as well as started my business plan. It is coming along but i am more restless than i ever have been in my life. I want to be walking the walk as I'm tired of talking the talk. I will keep you posted as my VisionQuest is bigger than me & it is on a roll. Until next time remember..."You can't steal 2nd base with your foot on 1st"
proud sponsors of the PegLeg Porkers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I didn't win the Powerball....Damn it all!

The Powerball was $230 million & I bought 2 tickets. One had my lucky digits & the other was the lazy QP(quick pic), I didn't hit 1 number on either. I must go to work today as a result of this piss poor performance. I realize the odds of winning are a bazillion to 1 but I play when the jackpot gets to a crazy amount. I enjoy day dreaming of exactly what I would do if I was the big winner. First, I would get the title of my 1992 money pit(Jeep Cherokee) & drive down to the Lottery office with at least 2 pieces of I.D. Then I would request cash pay out and when they came to take my picture with the big check...i would put on my Carnicus face for the picture. Next, I would drive to the nearest American made auto dealer preferably a Chevy Tahoe dealer. I would ask who is the newest sales person & I would pay cash for the ride after I made them take my Cherokee out back & shoot it. Next I would go to my fiance's bank & deposit a $1,000,000 check in her account anonymously. I would donate money to my 2 favorite charities Safehaven & Nashville Rescue Mission. I would call up my key people & tell them to meet me at Sportsman's Grille in the Village as I needed to talk about our friendship. I would give them all shit for the things they had done to me over the years in jest of course, then write them a fat check. I would get really loaded with my friend & bartender Rod....then write him a fat check with the stipulation that he must quit bartending & travel on my dime for no less than a year. I would go to my bank & take half of the $125,000,000(gross estimate after my dues for being a citizen in the greatest fucking country in the world) and fly first class to Grand Cayman,BWI to deposit said $62.5 mil in a high yield savings account. Then I would take the next two weeks diving the Cayman Islands & drinking beer. Once I returned I would buy a house, find people to maintain the house & drink beer. Then I would help some more people as that is what i like to do. I would like to think that money wouldn't change me but it would allow me to help other people, my friends & especially what is left of my family. Well that is what I would of done if I had won the Powerball but I guess I better get in the shower as I have to go to work today...SHIT! Until next time, always remember "Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The world is a funny place!

Advertising can be hilarious if the writer wants it to be. I saw this in the Sydney subway & I had no idea who Barry "The Cougar" Dawson was but I was leaning towards porn star. Turns out he is like the big stud on some soap opera. It ain't easy being cheesy comes to mind with this ad. I saw another ad in Adelaide on the back of a horse trailer that read.."We bring baby animals to you" Once again my mind went straight to the gutter but let's be honest, Aussies & Kiwis alike have been known to have a little romance with a sheep when no one is watching. Back home there is a sign on I-65 N to Louisville that reads "Used cows for sale", are there any other kind? I get emails all the time that have pretty funny messages. Another way for advertising to be funny is if the writer is not very smart. You see contradictory signs & terrible spelling that can only be lack of smarts so to speak. Also, the public bathrooms of the world are a great place for perfect phrases. As i was going thru my divorce in 1998, the men's bathroom at The Villager had this one: "No matter how good looking she is, somebody, somewhere is tired of fucking her" A true classic cuz it's true. Until next time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Your birthday is the only day you get to do it all

2 clowns both born on Feb 13th, John is obviously 3 yrs older than myself. I made it to 42, now on to 43. I feel pretty good for 42 but my belly is stuffed from the incredible brisket tacos from Pat Martin's BBQ Joint. I took him my last 11 Schlitz regulars for his store & he paid me in grub. Now I am reflecting on my life before I take a well deserved bday nap, then rise & shine for some more festivities with friends and the UT-Arkansas baskeball game. I'm sure the entire team will thunp that soooey ass for my birthday present. I took the day off as i can't be expected to work as i battle with my own mortality. If I lived in a third world country i would be considered on my last leg but not so much in the U.S.A. I could realistically be half way home. Only God & the Grim Reaper know for sure. Back to the other bday boy, John & i grew up together with both of us spending all of our summers at Wildwood Country Club. He lived in Wildwood Estates & i just squatted at friends houses. The Harpeth River flowed behind the club & we pretty much lived in it. Those were the days before bills, engagements & other forced responsibilities. If you could go back & do it all over again would you? I'd think about it. So today my 42 birthday is dedicated to those times & kicking Arkansas's ass in basketball.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I feel the need for adventure travel

My 42nd birthday is Wednesday & I'm spending it in Nashville watching the UT Vols basketball team play Arkansas on the tellie as the Aussies say. I guess it could be worse...I could be spending it on death row or in Darfur. Fuck Darfur,save America!(great idea for a bumper sticker) Winter time in Nashville makes me restless for some travel. I rarely do anything but brave the bitter cold, slow down my drinking & watch alot of movies. I am training for the Music City half marathon which takes place April 26th. My brother & I run together with a beer stop at the half way point. It really freaks out the hard core runners! That is what i'm here for...shock therapy. Back to travel...not much scheduled so far. In my quest to see more minor league baseball & another major league park; I am taking a car trip up to Fort Wayne to see the Wizards & on to Detroit to see the Tigers new stadium. I have two good friends that live in these towns so it should be a blast! No return to Australia with sidetrack to New Zealand planned just yet but I feel a change in the wind. If I could just win the Lotto then it would make things easier. I guess it is common to take stock in your life on your birthday to see where you are. I am headed in the right direction & nothing is going to stop my VisionQuest!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

As Webb Wilder says....It gets in your blood!

It is January in Tennessee & it was 12 degrees for the low Thursday night. It is currently 72 degrees & sunny in Penguin, Tasmania. I have decided that in the very near future I will leave in early January & travel until it is warm again in Nashville, which is usually April. It seems like the perfect solution to this cold business. Not really much happens in Nashville when it is cold anyway. This way I'll travel the South Pacific when it is warm & now that I think about it, I'll get to wear shorts all year long! I can make this my annual pilgrimage for treasure to Australia & New Zealand. This will put me back in town & ready for the Nashville flea market at the end of April as well as opening night for the minor league baseball season. Then of course comes the gauntlet of fun known as May in Tennessee. It is warm, the top is down on the Cutlass & spring is in the air.
Once you start traveling & seeing different lands, it really does get in your blood. I find myself daydreaming about past adventures & looking forward to seeing new places and all that goes with it. Some may equal but none will excel my visionquest. I am going to add New Zealand to the itinerary next trip. I believe I can see a great deal of both islands with a 2 week tour. I've heard from alot of people who say new Zealand is so much more beautiful than OZ.....prove it to me! Until next time.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Treasure is everywhere in Kuranda, Queensland

Let us talk Australia some more. Outside of Cairns is the quaint mountain town of Kuranda. it is a day trip that I've made twice, once in 1998 & on my most recent 2007 adventure. It's claim to fame is the daily markets that are home to some of the finest treasure I've hunted. Everything from Aboriginal art to hokey boomerangs painted with Australian flags. The best way to get there is take the overhead sky rail up & the scenic train(pictured) back down to Cairns. It costs roughly $90.00 AUD & the tour operators pick you up at your lodging, give you a brief history of the sky rail(designed by an American by the way) & drop you off at the sky rail. They also tell you to be back at 4:00 sharp or you will be finding another way home. Fine by me as I'm never late. I board the sky rail with a nice Dutch couple who are pleasant. The sky rail takes about 30mins from start to finish & you can get off at a couple places to explore the rain forest. I forgo this as treasure hunting is on my mind. I depart the sky rail & make my way to the nearest pub Fanny O'Reilly's Irish Bar & Grill. I knock back 3-4 pints to quench my thirst & head into the Kuranda markets. I am amazed at how fast i spend money at the really good markets. I duck behind the markets & find some off the beaten path artists. I meet Charlond who is an aboriginal woman who is very pleasant & we trade contact information. I bought a nice cross necklace with a garnet stone in the middle. I buy Cairns highland coffee, Queensland honey, a ceramic penguin, ear rings, a alligator magnet made out of a macadamia nut & an original aboriginal painting. It was a banner day in the treasure hunting business. I hate to leave but I'm spending money like an addict in Amsterdam. I head back to the pub for some food & of course more Aussie beer. I met the owner Barry & we talk about an opportunity he has. Some many possibilities to import back to the U.S. I stay as long as i can but is getting late. The train is unable to go down the mountain due to a landslide so I ride it as far as they will let us then back on the sky rail. It is a beautiful journey over the rain forest with spectacular views of many waterfalls. The rain forest is so thick that you don't get to see much in the way of wildlife except for birds. I make it back in plenty of time for the ride back to Cairns. Tip of the day....if you are in Cairns, do yourself a favor & take the day trip to Kuranda. I give a money back guarantee that you will be glad that you did.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Land of the free & home of the Idiots....sometimes

I've been fortunate to travel outside of this great country numerous times & I'm constantly amazed at how obnoxious my fellow Americans can be. The number one issue with the locals seems to be....we want everything to be like America! Why? I'm soooo happy that there isn't a Starbucks or McDonald's' on every freaking corner. I love walking around aimlessly in a new town & just seeing where i end up. One of my favorite things to do in Australia is leave early in the morning & go on a pub walkabout. Bars in Oz have all sorts of different permits to serve booze so I can always find a bar serving at 8 a.m. if I choose. Amazingly, when I walk into one of these early morning spots, it is usually pretty busy with fellow functioning alcoholics. I learn so much from just asking the locals where to eat, what is a must do when I'm here in town & the next great pub. It makes for a great day & an early evening if you know what I'm saying. I never expect these countries to be like Nashville, what fun would that be? I am polite, courteous & I tip well.(which isn't necessary in Aussie pubs) It is funny the stigma American tourists have but I find after about 5 minutes of them taking the piss out of me(Aussie term for giving you a hard time), they accept me for what I am....a very large American who could kick some convict ass. just kidding, somewhat. So do us all a favor....when you are traveling abroad, be respectful of your surroundings & the people in them. If you are nice to people & get to know them.....they won't send you to the wrong side of the tracks!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Stick your head under the water & behold

I'm a scuba diver & I'm here to tell you, it is one of the most incredible experiences on our planet to suck compressed air & swim with the fishes. I've been PADI certified since 1993 & did my advanced open water in 1996 so I can deep & night dive. People ask me all the time where is the best place I've dove & i respond it depends on what you like to do. In my experiences I've found that the best drift diving is in Cozumel, although the Mexicans do nothing for conservation of their reefs or care about diver safety. The best wall diving was the Cayman Islands with Little Cayman's site "The Meadows" being spectacular! It started in 20ft of water then I swam thru a series of tunnels and came out on the wall which went straight down for 5000 ft. The best deep diving was Andros, the largest island in the Bahamas. I dove one of their legendary blue holes & at lunch the dive master was drinking a beer. I asked Jim if I could have a couple beers before the afternoon dive which is taboo....he said "Yeah, if you screw up they will never find your body, so what do i care" classic honesty. The Florida keys are good but thru the years all the hurricanes have shifted everything around. I dove the 585ft U.S.S. Speigel Grove & that sucker was huge. I also dove the H.M.S. Rhone in Tortola,B.V.I. & really enjoyed that except for it being jellyfish season. All these places are fantastic but The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is dear to my heart for many reasons. First, I don't know one single person from my neck of the woods who has dove it. Second, it is huge & stretches some 1,500 miles along the Queensland coast & can be seen from outerspace. Third, you see all sorts of species only found in the South Pacific like this giant clam pictured. I've seen Potato Cod(grouper family) as big as V.W. Bugs! I am at total peace under the water & plan on diving the U.S.S. Oriskiny(Vietnam era aircraft carrier) off the coast of Pensacola,Florida this summer. My advice to you is get certified & take the plunge. You will be amazed what mother nature has below the surface.
check out

Monday, January 7, 2008

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, who knows?

As I've mentioned previously, I am starting my own import/export company focusing on treasure from Australia & New Zealand. I can easily visualize what i want to accomplish but I've run smack into a huge roadblock called the business plan. It is daunting to say the least. It is a road map of where your business is & where it is going in the next 5-10years. Not so bad you say....well I'm looking to raise 150k in start up capital ideally, so the plan has to be written so lawyers, accountant & venture capitalists can say....What a damn fine idea, we want to give you money so you can travel to Australia & New Zealand, drink beer, scuba dive & import treasure! I'm stuck with entrepreneur's block for lack of a better term. I got off to a pretty good start but ran out of gas when it came to predicting sales for the first year. Hell, I don't know if I'll sell a damn thing but my vision has me making an ass load of money by importing art, crafts, jewelry, furniture & even wine from these wonderful countries. I'm just going to start scheduling 1 hour a day to sit down & if nothing else just look at the damn thing. I have been meaning to go to a small business class on how to write a business plan but my job conflicted with the class tomorrow. I'll keep on working at it & then get to the class ASAP. I've had some friends express interest in my Visionquest as i call it. Something weird about asking someone to loan me $150k to follow my dreams. Oh well, they say a sucker is born everyday. I bet I can find one & we can both be OnMeWay.
Rip treasure hunter
p.s. picture is of the back of The Baths, Virgin Gorda B.V.I.