Friday, September 11, 2009

Never, never, never forget

I would be saddened to know how many Americans will not remember today & what happened to our country 8 years ago. The images of the 2nd plane crashing into the World Trade Center & both towers crashing down will forever be imprinted in my mind. The media made fun of President Bush's reaction when he was informed as he read a book to kids in an elementary school but I had the same look of disbelief. How could a group of terrorist infiltrate our country unnoticed, pass through airline security with home made knives, and commandeer not 1 but 4 passenger planes? I'll tell you, we have become lazy. We are the fattest, laziest & most arrogant country in the world, besides France. If we do not change our course in the very near future, we will lose all that our founding fathers worked & died achieving. I am 43 years young and have no children(that I know about) but it saddens me to think about the future my niece & nephew have awaiting them. If we allow this current government to keep on it's present course, are country will implode on itself. If I wanted to be a socialist, I would move to Australia where they have better beer & the Great Barrier Reef. We need to get off our fat asses & help ourselves. Let us get out of Iraq & concentrate all of our energies on Bin Laden & the Taliban, they are still a threat to our sovereignty. Let us put all of our domestic attention into reviving our economy & getting people back to work. People working means people spending their earnings. Healthcare is a back burner issue to me. 85% of Americans have insurance & 15% don't. What did Spock say in Star Trek 3? The good of the many outweigh the good of the few? We (Republicans) have been sick of Obuma before you(Democrats) elected him and with every single day he proves that he doesn't have the knowledge(57 states), the respect(zero Russians shook his hand at arm talks) & the experience(1st real job) to lead this country anywhere but down the proverbial toilet. Not to mention he wanted to rename 9-11 to National Service Day(WTF). We all need to take this day & reflect on what happened on 9-11-2001 & the thousands of men, women & children that were murdered in cold blood. Also the thousands of men & women in the military that are protecting our country every single day. They will never give up on us but sadly alot of us have giving up on them & ourselves.
I need a drink!
p.s. can you imagine another terrorist attack that took place during a Titans game on LP Field?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, Rip!! - Bob McClellan