I had a sweet young vixen ask me how I was handling my middle age & i burst into laughter. I told her that if I'm middle aged then I will live to be 86. I came to the realization a long time ago with my St Bernard Elvis that big dogs & big guys don't live as long as the normal size dogs or people. I've embraced it as my call to get busy living instead of getting busy dying. We all have friends that will ultimately look back on their lives and wish they had done anything besides bitch about their plight. I won't be that guy! Sure, I will have things on the list that didn't get checked off but it won't be from a lack of trying, it will be because I burned out....not rusted out;). I wonder if they(University of whomever's hospital) will do a study that links having a positive attitude & sense of humor to longevity over people who are negative, rude & zero sense of humor. I should get a grant & do the study myself! What a great way to spend our hard earned tax dollars. I'm on it.
Wouldn't it be great if you were notified in the email by God that you had reached middle age & you currently were or were not getting into heaven? Maybe even break it down into percentile so you could see where you rank with everybody else. It would probably have an advertisement on it for a new coke product & a link for suggestions on getting into heaven which you had to pay for by credit card. Well it isn't going to happen so I plow on by trying to JBN (just be nice) to people & see how I score at the end of my run. I am coming to the end of 2009 & haven't checked many things off my list but no worries...2010 is right around the corner & with it new adventures. So it goes for me & I embrace it. If I make it to 86 then yes I am middle-aged right now. Furthermore, if I make it to 86 i will be f____in amazed! I am bigger than the average bear as the saying goes & i still go hard in all areas of my life. The picture is of my father's grave. He died when he was 45, so middle aged to him was 22 1/2. Some of our soldiers have died at 18, 9 was there middle age. So, we will never know if we are middle aged so go out there today & have fun...the grim reaper will find you eventually. Always remember "Don't worry about dying today as it is already tomorrow in Australia" Charles Schultz
Rip Pewett young man
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