I was helping a woman last night with a suspended phone line situation & by the time we finished with her, I realized that she is the reason our country is going down the toilet at high speed. She came into the store to reactivate a phone after having one lost or stolen but didn't think it was an issue that the phone didn't have a charge on it. I explained the need to activate the phone after I swapped the
ESN(serial number) of the phone but as I explained how she could do this herself; I could see the deer in the headlights look of someone who expects everything to be done for her. She asked repeatedly why I couldn't do this for her...entitlement. She went on to be so lazy to go charge the phone, then come back to make us do it for her. When she left i was so disgusted at this type of mindset. The majority of the population(Democrats) believe they are entitled for the minority(Republicans) to do everything for them. This mindset will lead to the biggest
socio-economic gap & a resentment never before seen in this country. I have never understood why Democrats want to help people who don't want to help themselves. They are fine with raising taxes for the middle class & rich to provide for the poor & illegal aliens. This is most idiotic thing i have ever heard in my life. If you are gonna provide for someone else their entire life; why would they do anything but allow you to do this until they die. I expect my Government to protect me from foreign powers & provide an infrastructure(roads, waterways & etc), everything else I can do for myself. It is very frustrating to see the entitlement mentality play out in everyday life. People believe Obama is going to take care of them & they will prosper during his presidency but in reality nothing will change for the entitlement group. They will still lead the country in crime rate, obesity & single parent households. They will still wait for the mailman to bring their check as their children are robbing working people. It is sad because this group lacks the one ingredient that could improve their lives....HOPE. Remember that slogan during the campaign? Here is my belief on the entitlement group....If you don't want to be a contributing member of society, YOU are entitled to get the F__K out of my country as you are a drain on the good, hard working members of our great country! The sign is on the door of our room at the Motel 6 during Memphis in May BBQ Championships. We were robbed of $125.00 & 2 bags with all of our clothes in them. The natives of Memphis obviously felt they were entitled to our things that we worked hard to obtain. Happy Thanksgiving!
I've arrived at the conclusion that these type issues are not Democrat vs Republican but rather liberal vs conservative. Both major parties are sucking the lifeblood from this once great country of ours.
Well said, my friend. Unfortuantely as I grow older, I have met a large number of successful "sincere" democrats that want to help those who do want to help themselves. Do they think that this could earn them a free ticket to Heaven? I don't know, but I would rather give a couple of bucks to a homeless drunk or serve some food at the mission than to take my hard earned money and have you (Gov.) do what you wish with it. Out!
"...those who DON'T want to help themselves." Sorry
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