Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March is officially White History Month...aka Whitey month

Well, February came & went along with another round of the Black History Month celebrating all the great accomplishments of Black Americans. I never have understood why the entire population of the United Sates(320 plus million) should be subjected to this when the population of Black Americans is roughly 13% or 41.6 million of all Americans. Ironically they make up over 51% of the prison population. I decided that White Americans should have their own month & we would celebrate all that White Americans have done. No better place to start than George Washington the father of our great country, general in our colonial army & the 1st President of the these United States of America. He had a great vision of breaking away from England's rule & forming a free country were opportunity was available to every man. Yes, he was a slave owner but well loved by his slaves & as he became older believed it was wrong. Next on my list Walter Camp, who is credited with being the founder of modern day college football. This man has done more to make my life enjoyable than almost anyone else except the inventor of beer or thongs. The game day ritual of tailgating, the Vol Walk & the awe of Neyland Stadium on Saturday all started with Mr.Camp. The next one on my list is Jacques Cousteau who invented the SCUBA system & yes I know he was French but gave him a waiver. I became a scuba(Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) diver back in 1993. Since then I have sucked compressed air in numerous exotic locales & seen things under the water no one else has. The incredible colors of the animals, coral & water have always left me in awe of mother nature. Roy Raymond is the next great white male on my list, he only invented the modern day Victoria's Secret. I have never met this man but safe to say I love him & all he has done for me & our gender. I will assume that he also invented the thong even though some chick probably did. The last entry will actually be a pair who invented air flight, the Wright Brothers. Although many others have been linked to this discovery, I am from the South & so were the Wright Brothers(North Carolina) so I'm going with them. These guys were the guys that pioneered modern day 747 airplanes & F-22 Raptors. They get me to Australia & destroy my enemies from above...good stuff! As always i could go on & on about endless white Americans who have made huge contributions to the development of this great country. Please do not think that I am a racist or don't believe Black Americans have contributed to this great country; I just don't think they should have an entire month to celebrate these accomplishments. Cheers, Rip Pewett a white American p.s. the picture is of the greatest white American in my book, my brother Ryan. He grew up with me, endured the same hardships I did & overcame them all to be a great husband, father & brother!

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