Today is the day that our nation celebrates the colonies of America breaking away from the tyranny of Great
Britain to form the greatest country in the world...the United States of America. To often we forget the struggles that our ancestors endured to build this great country. We have survived civil war, the Great Depression & many natural disasters. Through all of these tests what kept our country going was hope & the belief that all setbacks are temporary. I'm here to tell you that over 50% of our country does not believe what is happening to this country is a temporary setback. We believe it is a well thought out plan to systematically destroy our way of life. What if me & all of my
Facebook friends behave like our current administration did? What if every single one of us were already deeply in debt but went to another lender & borrowed 100 times the amount we already owe at a astronomical interest rate? Then we all went to our employer & said you are going to have
to raise our salary to cover this additional debt. Oh,
I'm also not going to tell you why I did this or what
I'm gonna do with this money. You know what would happen...we would be fired as the guys in the white jackets were putting the straight jacket on us! That is exactly what needs to happen to
Obuma & all of his cronies. Fire them for what they are doing to this great country. I liken certain Democrats as
ostriches; as they put their heads in the sand so they don't have to listen or watch what they have done. I am seeing many of them cringe as they see their President laugh & cut up on the beach as he visits the Gulf oil disaster. Even the most left wing are noticing when the Russian delegation didn't shake
Obuma's hand at the arms treaty talk & realize our biggest rival doesn't respect him. The Democrats will be the ones that change this country back when they become sick & tired of his lies as well as when they accept that he is
soooooo far in over his head & so are his
advisers. Change is good, you wanted change & you voted for it. Now accept the fact you made a colossal mistake & fix it before it is too late. If is your kids that will suffer & you will have
no one to blame but yourself. I don't have any kids(that i know about) & I have a passport....I will be fine. I can live on a dive boat in Australia, drinking better beer & watching the Vols on
satellite t.v. You can't leave as you have to raise your family in a country that is going down the drain. Start today on the
anniversary of other brave souls who were willing to do whatever it took to build a great nation! The picture is of some of our crew &
I'm going to convince them to go out and borrow 100 more debt than they currently have then ask their boss for a raise to cover the debt. I will keep you posted.
Pewett one fed up American
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