1.brain dead rednecks-Dad always said he disliked them worse than bad blacks(trying to keep it clean), because they were born with the advantage of being born white & just didn't get it.
2.Democrats-they want to help people who don't want to help themselves & that is stupidity in it's simplest form.
3.Mean hearted people-I've hurt people throughout my life but I never did it intentionally...mean people do.
4. the common fly-no real purpose for their existence but to gross me out!
5.no turn on red sign-most broken law by me
6.metal clothes hangers-they really piss me off
7.the idea that world peace is possible.....it isn't, people have been fighting since the beginning of time.
8.giving money to countries that hate us & conspire against us! fuck them & let them eat sand
9.neck ties-i consider them a noose on my soul
10.traitors-in a time of war they should be executed(you know who you are)
11.allergies-no fun living in Tennessee
12.ear & nose hair-it is gross, keep it trimmed. manscape the other as well.
13.the French-this one is more of a hate. their arrogance amazes me for a chicken shit country that won't stand up for itself. We should of let Germany keep them.
14.not being able to get breakfast & lunch at the same time at McDonalds(egg mctasty,country ham biscuit & fries)
15.traffic jams that last forever & when you get to the cause of the delay....you still can't figure out why traffic was slowed.
16.cheap people-I'd rather you stand over my grave & call me an asshole(that can be true) than to call me cheap. spend it....you can't take it with you
17.cats-they are Satan's creatures plus I'm allergic to them. could be worse.....i could be allergic to the other.
18.Van Hagar-Van Halen is my favorite band & Sammy Hagar should never have followed Diamond David Lee Roth.
19.men driving chick convertibles-miatas & sebrings ain't cool
20.i really dislike the word mandatory-it implies authority over me
21.cemeteries-people should never be put in the ground. Cremate me & spread half of me over God's stadium(Neyland) & the other half over the Great Barrier Reef
22.Haveto Day-Mondays
23.women who are so insecure they have to separate their men from their friends. i lost a wife & best friend for that reason
24.crazy women-i don't care who screwed you up.....it wasn't me
Well, I feel better. Now you know what I like & what I dislike.
Rip Pewett
p.s. ohhhhhh, and the picture is of Vanderbilt's Memorial Gym....I hate Vanderbilt fans.