Never in the history of our country have we ever made such a colossal mistake. It is hard to imagine so many millions of people who would ignore all the warning signs that Barack Obama wants to destroy the United States & our way of life. The media hid all the facts they could but the truth always comes out. It didn't matter to the Democrats that Mr. Obama would not produce a valid birth
certificate, is a practicing Muslim, went to Reverend Wright's radical church for 20years or has zero experience running a 7-11 store much less the government. What were they thinking? Hope, change....yes we can. Well I hope they keep their eyes & ears open to watch what this man is doing to our country. He is busy blaming former Pres George Bush for everything while he secretly cripples this country. He is the weakest president our country has ever seen & the World knows it. We just signed a nuclear arms treaty with the Russian president who won't even shake Mr.
Obama's hand. It is terrifying to think that our biggest adversary doesn't respect our president. Mr Obama has been pushing
healthcare reform since Day 1 to keep the American people from concentrating on the economy & the 2 lingering wars....these 2 things are far more important than
healthcare. He went so far as to bribe senators for their
healthcare vote & when he got caught; he removed the stipulations from the bill. He is a common criminal & I desperately HOPE he gets caught so we can CHANGE his residence to prison after we impeach him....YES WE CAN! He has demeaned the Office of the President of the United States of America with all his late night talk show appearances, his calls to celebrities to tell them to be strong(Tiger woods) & his NCAA
bracketology! You are the President, not some rock star! His arrogance will be his undoing & I eagerly await his exit from the Oval Office. It will be tough to steal more stuff from the White House than the
Clinton did...but the
Obama's can do it, yes they can. I hope every Democrat remembers & admits to what they did. Way to go Democrats.....you fucked it up for everybody & now we have to fix it before it is too late. Vote the Democrats out of office. I've never been happier to have a valid passport in my entire life. I can live in Australia just fine. Like I said if
I'm going to be living in a socialist country then Australia has better beer & scuba diving. I need a stiff drink!
Pewett Republican for life
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