I am constantly amazed by men & the ridiculous comments we make. In question is the issue of fake or real breasts. We were enjoying a nice fall Sunday at the
Brewhouse & watching every girl walk by us when I overheard one of the pigs, i mean guys say..."
Ahhh, those are fake & i can't stand fake tits" I responded in my usual sensitive way, "Really, I guess you can't stand
blowjobs either?" Come on. I'm opposed to putting anything in to my body that didn't come from the original
manufacturer unless it would prolong my time on this world....but if some sweet young vixen wants to enhance her self image; good for her. I'm just not going to pay for it as I would consider it a lease as relationships end & knowing my luck some guy on my BBQ team would be playing with them next. What can be the problem with plastic surgery as
i've seen with tattoos is once people start it becomes an addiction & they feed on the vanity of it & become freaks. Boob jobs lead to
botox to eye jobs, eyes jobs to face lifts & so on. For the record any man that gets calf
implants is gay! We all wish we could change things about ourselves & need to realize that nothing beats taking care of yourself via a healthy diet, exercise, not smoking & limiting booze. I love me some beer & hence I will always have a belly & that awful excessive neck fat, I hate the neck fat! Back to the boobs, let the ladies do as they please & maybe if we are lucky and don't prove how big an idiot we are; they will let us inspect them....thoroughly! Also, if you have real boobs & they are spectacular...please stop me anywhere & with pride tell me so! The breasts pictured are fake obviously & belong to a good friend of mine who happens to be my primary physician's nurse. She is very proud of them & it is only fair that she showed me as she has seen me naked,(tattooed lips on ass an all) unfortunately in a professional setting only, so far;)
Pewett admirer of all breasts