Alot of good stuff happening in my hemisphere &
I'm thinking it is a good day to be alive! I feel very fortunate to be happy, healthy & terrific! Working with the public on a daily basis allows me to observe other people who aren't as fortunate as myself. I see people that are too busy to be polite & believe they are somehow better than me for whatever reason. I see people who are so angry at their current situation they must lash out at others to even communicate. I witness people that believe they are entitled to everything without actually doing anything.(you know who you are) And lastly, I witness people that have no hope, these are the saddest of all because they will go through life with very few victories & many self inflicted defeats. I do not pretend to have walked in
anyone's proverbial shoes but I have seen
alot of tragic events but i always believed that it could be worse & so I remain positive. Oh, i have bad days & certain out side forces put me in a bad way but it usually is fleeting as I believe life is about details. I do it by taking the worst day of my life, the death of my father , and comparing every bad situation to that & i usually put things in perspective quickly. I realize that I am very fortunate & that i have been given a great life so I power on.I love dealing with each type of person listed above & here is how I do it. First, the people that feel they are better than me, I stand up & they realize they are smaller than me(always works). Second, the angry people that lash out with anger; I ask what did I do to them, totally disarms them as they realize they are being rude. Third, the people who feel they are entitled to everything without doing anything, I tell them
I'm a Republican & get Obama to do it for them(can cause a ruckus but f__k em they are lazy & using good oxygen meant for me). The fourth, I try to make them smile & realize that they are human beings who although may have been dealt a bad hand, can improve their current situation by hope & the kindness of complete strangers. I have always felt that you can size up a person by the way they treat service people(servers, convenience store clerks or janitors) I was told by my dad along time ago to be as nice to the janitor as you are to the president of the company as they just might be the same person. I would ask everyone to try & make one stranger a day feel better about themselves & just see if you don't feel better about yourself as well. It works for me & I will continue to do it until the day I leave this world. The pic is of Webb Wilder at
Frist Friday. His music has made me laugh with lines like" She may not drive you crazy but you will be close enough to walk"& the song Tough it Out. He bills himself as the last of the full grown men & I have an autographed poster of the Webb Wilder credo....Work Hard,Rock Hard,Eat Hard,Sleep Hard,Grow Big & Wear glasses if you need them.....CLASSIC! Until next time.
JBN-Just Be Nice
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