I've got a need, a need for speed! Well, if you have ever seen a fully loaded 747 take off the last thing that comes to mind is speed; more like wounded duck. I have been taking baby steps to start my company but that shit is over, it is time to dive head first into the deep end of the proverbial pool. In the next 5 months I will finalize my business plan, find between $25k-$250k, & get the hell out of this country for 6-8 weeks. My plan is to start with the markets in Australia but take 3 weeks to do some treasure hunting in New Zealand. I have a good feeling about the possibilities of finding all sorts of unique treasure. Time of your life kid! Once I return, if I return, then I'll go about setting up my first ever trunk show for friends,family & investors. I've always found if you write something down, refer to if often, then it begins to take on a life of it's own if you will. I am currently the lion pacing in the cage waiting for his chance to run free & Feb 13
th,2010 the cage is opening for me. A friend of mine sent me this
quote that I think is spot on..."Everyone is born into the world with a certain unrealized capacity. Let him accept his hand as it was dealt to him, and play the game, without wasting his time bemoaning the fact his cards are not all aces&faces. Accept yourself for what you are, and for what, by the Grace in God, you may yet become, and play the game!" (Charles Brown) Strong!!!!!!!!
Gotta get back to it but figure out what you want to do & write it down.
Pewetttreasure hunter
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