Today is Memorial Day & the perfect opportunity for me to tell you the truth; if we don't get our heads out of the sand in lieu of another term....we may be speaking a foreign language & i don't mean Spanish. I mean Chinese or worse Russian. The 2 main reasons we are the land of the free in my opinion is geography & that we have the best military in the world. In the past, it was highly unlikely another country would mess with us because we had real men as President of this country. With the exception of Jimmy Carter's 4 worthless years, we have had stand up guys that wouldn't take shit from other countries & hence they feared us. Fear is good by the way as is respect. We kept rogue nations at bay with
embargos & supporting rebel causes around the world who opposed these governments. Now we have a spineless president who wants to sit down & talk with every rogue country in the world. This shows nothing but weakness & will put our men & women of our
militaries at risk as well as our citizens traveling abroad. If the great people of the U.S. elected me President...
I'll wait until you regain consciousness....I would limit entry into this country from only friendly approved nations & I would cut off every dime of aid to any country that thinks we are arrogant. We have earned the right to have a swagger as thousands of Americans have lost their lives & orphaned their children freeing countries from aggression. No other country has given so much but is hated so deeply. I say F___K them all. I would do away with Secretary of State too as this would only confuse people....bye bye Hillary.
Please remember today that we are the land of the free & the home of the brave. We don't owe anyone an apology when terrorist surround themselves with women & children causing innocent loss of life. Support our troops & their families as they are making the ultimate sacrifice so we can drink beer, grill out & play by the pool! Next time you see a soldier in uniform, stop them & tell them you appreciate their service. It is a moment of your time but means the world to these brave men & women. Oh & the next time you over hear some bleeding heart, liberal Democrat bashing our military...offer to buy them a glass of shut the fuck up!
treasure hunter & proud American
BigBoy was detained by the Memphis P.D. for unruly speech but I paid them off
with BBQ &
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