I've been fortunate to travel outside of this great country numerous times & I'm constantly amazed at how obnoxious my fellow Americans can be. The number one issue with the locals seems to be....we want
everything to be like America! Why? I'm
soooo happy that there isn't a Starbucks or
McDonald's' on every freaking corner. I love walking around aimlessly in a new town & just seeing where i end up. One of my favorite things to do in Australia is leave early in the morning & go on a pub walkabout. Bars in Oz have all sorts of different permits to serve booze so I can always find a bar serving at 8 a.m. if I choose. Amazingly, when I walk into one of these early morning spots, it is usually pretty busy with fellow functioning alcoholics. I learn so much from just asking the locals where to eat, what is a must do when
I'm here in town & the next great pub. It makes for a great day & an early evening if you know what
I'm saying. I never expect these countries to be like Nashville, what fun would that be? I am polite, courteous & I tip well.(which isn't necessary in Aussie pubs) It is funny the stigma American tourists have but I find after about 5 minutes of them taking the piss out of me(
Aussie term for giving you a hard time), they accept me for what I am....a very large American who could kick some convict ass. just kidding, somewhat. So do us all a favor....when you are traveling abroad, be respectful of your surroundings & the people in them. If you are nice to people & get to know them.....they won't send you to the wrong side of the tracks!
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