Today was a one of the darkest days in American history; a young man ended the dreams of 20 innocent children, 5 good educators & his own mother. The liberal media is always there to quickly find the culprit that is convenient; in this case it was weapons in this country. The truth is we as a people don't take personal responsibility for our actions anymore. The facts will come out soon enough about this man & why he chose to alter our lives forever. The truth of the matter is our society has been morally crumbling for centuries. When I was a child in the 4th grade at Grassland Elementary, we did something stupid & were sent to the Principal's office for corporal punishment(paddling). We never did it again. I made a big mistake when I was about 13 & my father took his belt to me saying" I promise you this will hurt you worse than me". I never did it again. I was terrified of my parents & they were good to me. I learned respect, fear & personal responsibility for my actions. I still make mistakes on a daily basis but I learned personal responsibility. Today our children are diagnosed with some disorder early, medicated, neglected & put in front of a video game that promotes violence. As a child I was told to look both ways before I crossed the street, play in the creek & when Mom rang the bell, I better come home pronto. We never questioned or spoke back to our parents, it was the law. Today, children talk to their parents as if they are equals & why not parents are helpless because of laws to protect children from the very people who have the biological right to make them fear God, country & the back of their hand. With the divorce rate close to 60% in this country; one of our biggest problems in this country is single parent households. One parent must work 1 or more jobs & the children are left home alone to watch violent television or surf the Internet. What kind of future can a child have if this is his reality. In the same show you will see drug use, adultery & cold blooded murder. The sickest part is the parents don't monitor their children's programs. They have given up. I have never wanted children but if I were a Dad, I would put the fear of God in them. It makes them be better people down the road. The bottom line I believe is that our children have no hope for their future, They see it in our eyes & our apathy towards this fast approaching reality. We are quickly descending into a morally corrupt & apathetic society. The bottom line is we have given up on our children & they are lashing back at us as a society with guns instead of pens or signs. It could be knives, grenades or rocks; we have let society dictate how we raise our children & we are responsible for what happens. Shame on all of us. We know better. We were raised better. Don't blame guns, blame ourselves & our government for telling us how to raise our children.
May God have mercy on our souls.
Rip Pewett a man who owns zero guns
p.s. the picture is of a man who distributes wealth at the speed of sound, never has held a job & would give all of our guns to Russia if he could
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Top 10 signs you have fallen out of the raft on the Ocoee
Well we made it back from our annual pilgrimage to Benton TN & the nearby Ocoee River. Every year we witness other rafters being thrown out of the raft & some of our crew as well. Luckily, I haven't been thrown out since my college days, thanks in part to luck & a couple blondes. While on the river in a fairly calm section our crew wondered what the top 10 signs you have ben thrown out of the raft might be. In no particular order I'm gonna give it a shot.
1. your guide yells " Swim you fucking idiot"
2. the person next to you is now looking down at you shaking their head
3. you are suddenly rehydrating & you didn't bring a bottle of water on the boat
4. some jack ass just hit you in the head with a bag full of rope
5. it has suddenly gotten so cold that your balls have shrunk up inside your body
6. everyone is trying to give you their paddle & you don't know why
7. you find a pair of Revo sunglasses on the bottom of the river
8. you feel like you are in the pinball game called "River Rocks"
9. you find yourself laying on the shore with some fat kid poking you while saying "Mr, are you dead?"
10. you are buying the 1st round at Log Cabin Inn & everybody is laughing at you
1. your guide yells " Swim you fucking idiot"
2. the person next to you is now looking down at you shaking their head
3. you are suddenly rehydrating & you didn't bring a bottle of water on the boat
4. some jack ass just hit you in the head with a bag full of rope
5. it has suddenly gotten so cold that your balls have shrunk up inside your body
6. everyone is trying to give you their paddle & you don't know why
7. you find a pair of Revo sunglasses on the bottom of the river
8. you feel like you are in the pinball game called "River Rocks"
9. you find yourself laying on the shore with some fat kid poking you while saying "Mr, are you dead?"
10. you are buying the 1st round at Log Cabin Inn & everybody is laughing at you
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Never leave a man behind unless you leave two

p.s. a friend gave me a bit of advice & I'm so glad I didn't repeat it on the plane before we took
off for Tampa. " Don't die on your vacation as people will think you are lame"
Monday, January 23, 2012
When I was a kid, I was allowed to be a kid

Rip Pewett kid at heart
p.s. the picture above could of been the Pewett boys rolling our Big Wheels down our driveway, taking that hair pin turn & jumping the curb right into the shrubs. It was some of the most fun 2 kids could ever have.
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