Who doesn't have regrets, a person that isn't honest with themselves. We all have made mistakes in life & therefore have regrets; but it is important to learn from them & not dwell on the experience. I believe it is equally important when making decisions that you weigh the pros & cons of the situation then act without regret. So many of us are so unsure of which direction to take that with stay on the same boring path because ultimately it is safe & we are afraid of failing. I love the old adage "You can't steal 2
nd base with your foot on 1st". I am the poster child for "baptism by fire" or learning by doing. My father was killed when I was 15 & he wasn't around to teach me how to drive, how to manage money or how to be the bigger man & walk away. So I wrecked some cars, ruined some credit & whipped
alot of knuckleheads but i learned from it & I sure don't regret it. I was doing the best I could with pretty much no guidance. I learned too many valuables lessons to list here but some of my favorites are treat people the way you want to be treated, protect those that cannot protect themselves & learn to laugh at yourself because you will do stupid, laughable things. A man that cannot laugh at himself will always regret when he makes mistakes but a man that can laugh at himself will be laughing & not regretting his actions. I have 3 tattoos & thought about it, did it & never once regretted it. I had 2 elderly men at the Green Hills YMCA see my ankle bracelet tattoos & one asked me..."Boy what on Earth made you do that to your body?!" to which I replied "Oh I hear they will wash off when I'm dead". I wish you could have seen the
horrific looks on these fellas faces...priceless. Judge not least ye be judged. These guys probably have done nothing exciting or with risk in their entire lives & that is sad. I could go on & on with my experiences but that isn't my reason for this; I want you to remember the times you have made your life more enjoyable because you thought about it, you did it & you don't regret it! "Go in the directions of your dreams & live the life you have imagined'. The picture is the logo of Old Van
Halen(greatest rock band ever) & it is one of the charms on my left ankle bracelet & yes it hurt like hell but zero regrets.:0
Until next time,