I was driving to work today and as the road narrowed I was passed by a 5 series BMW followed closely by a Porsche 911
Carrera. Both of these foreign luxury cars were speeding, driving somewhat recklessly & saying to the world...look at me. I started thinking about the problems we face in this country & one of the greatest mistakes our country made was allowing foreign car manufacturers easy access to our markets. The next time you are in a traffic jam & have some time on your hands...look at 20 cars near you & you'll see at least half of these vehicles are foreign! I understand that the Germans, Swedes & Japanese make fine cars but so do the Americans. The real problem is with our society & the arrogance of the wealthy. They feel they have worked hard for their money & should reward themselves with the best toys the world has to offer. The problem with this is they never give thought to where their hard earned money lands. At first glance it would appear to go to their local dealership but in reality is going to a foreign country & improving their bottom line, not the U.S. I am also aware that
alot of purchases are by the middle & lower class as well. I don't want to dwell on these classes too much because they believe that the
Japanese make the most fuel efficient cars in the world; so it is a money driven decision. Our law makers have ruined other industries as well. Electronics, apparel &
liquor come to mind. We have to have the
Samsung T.V., the Hugo Boss suit & the Crown Royal(yes I am guilty as well). But if we did any research at all, we would find that RCA makes great
tvs, Tom James sells far better suits & Jack Daniels will due just fine. Once again we find ourselves giving away our country so we can live the high life. Buy American or leave should be our slogan & we should follow it when it comes to our major purchases. I understand that I am teetering on the cliff of hypocrisy by starting an import/export company but I'm not talking about art, crafts & widgets...
I'm talking about major purchases that effect our economy. These things are housing, cars, appliances & electronics. We could pull ourselves out of this recession & debt cesspool by giving tax breaks to Americans who are loyal to our manufacturers & levy a luxury tax on the people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. The Australians have been doing this for years & it works! Pictured is my
Yelosub, a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme convertible & it is 100% American baby...just like me. For the record I have never owned a foreign vehicle & never will! Get with it people or sooner or later there won't be anything left of us & the U.S.A.
Pewett proud purchaser of American made products