We all the remember when the new kid from California showed up at the 1st day of school. He was a tan, blond hair pretty boy that seemed a bit too arrogant for the South but we all gave him the benefit of the doubt because we are Southerners & that is what we do. Sometimes he turns out to be a good kid that shares his lunch & makes you laugh at his silly accent; sometimes he steals your girlfriend & leaves you wondering why he was ever allowed to come to your school in the first place. Well Lane
Kiffin, you should of never been allowed to come to my school, shame on you Mike Hamilton. This should be no real surprise as so much is unknown about Lane
Kiffin & what makes him tick. He is from Minnesota, played quarterback at Fresno State & coached at
USC 2001-06. We have all been to the beaches of California & the hills of Tennessee; come on I am an alumni,season ticket holder & life long fan but I still love the beaches of California more than the hills of Tennessee. He had absolutely zero loyalty to our program & the obsession that is Tennessee football. Let's call a spade a spade; he didn't have what it took to be our coach. He is a rich kid who does whatever he wants to do without a second thought about commitment, loyalty or the consequences of his actions. He never really embraced what Tennessee football means to the people of the great state of Tennessee; it is a passion, a reason to live & a life long worship. People name their kids after great players, budget all year for their season tickets & expenses for road trips & paint their houses orange.(their is a checked board house in Benton,Tn by the
Ocoee River) Lane
Kiffin has taken the easy path & left our program in disarray. He will be able to compete in a weaker conference, recruit in a top 3 talent state & maybe play a SEC team in the
BCS Championship....which he will lose cuz he ain't a good coach.(Southern terms used for affect) We as Tennessee Volunteer fans will pick up the pieces of our great program & move forward. You can kick us while we are down because we will NOT be there long! I believe Mike Hamilton should be fired for putting all of our trust into a rich kid with no loyalty. As far as our coach is concerned, I am fine with Kippy Brown as he is an honorable man with real ties to Tennessee & he lives it like we do. It probably won't happen but I would be fine with it. Get ready for a wild, humbling few years but like the USA, we will rise again to be team to fear around the world or the SEC! It is still great to be a Tennessee Vol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, let us all wish for the NCAA to levy 5yrs of probation, loss of numerous scholarships & post season ban of Mr. Dick
Kiffin's new team!
Pewett believer in loyalty & Karma