Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My 1st Vol Walk ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I can't believe it took me almost 44 years to witness one of the greatest spectacles in college sports but it was worth the wait! To see all the die hard fans young & old cheering on the Vols was an incredible experience. An added plus was seeing former coach Johhny Majors walking with the team!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fearless party of 1, your table is ready!!!!!!!!

Well , I'm bored & in need of some real adventure. UT football will keep me going until the first of the year but I need some wild, daredevil like experiences. #79 on Ripper's 100 things to do before I die....see Killer Whales up close. I have to admit that the diver is going a bit over board. I'm fearless but hell no! i was thinking in a kayak or watching one come up on the beach and take a seal as I was drinking beer with the luckier seals. I owe my adventure some nature to my dad who, was pretty fearless in his own right. I guess he came by it naturally growing up the youngest of 10 kids in Bordeaux & I don't mean France. We were coming back from Destin when i was about 10ish in his Mercedes 450 SL convertible when he asked if i wanted to have some fun...well you bet was my answer. He told me to lay back on the lip of the trunk, he held my ankles & proceeded to pass at least 10 cars doing over 100 miles an hour. I looked up at the clouds, smiling ear from ear & listening to all the non-fearless people honk at my Dad for being a reckless father. Well that might of been true but it was one of the wildest rides of my life. I have loved roller coasters every since or scuba diving or bungee jumping(once 222ft) or dating; although some of those are inherently more dangerous than others. Now i find myself at a crossroads & need some excitement fast! I guess I will have to try dating until i can figure out another fearless endeavor to undertake. Wish me luck as I usually need it when it comes to the opposite sex.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Never, never, never forget
I would be saddened to know how many Americans will not remember today & what happened to our country 8 years ago. The images of the 2nd plane crashing into the World Trade Center & both towers crashing down will forever be imprinted in my mind. The media made fun of President Bush's reaction when he was informed as he read a book to kids in an elementary school but I had the same look of disbelief. How could a group of terrorist infiltrate our country unnoticed, pass through airline security with home made knives, and commandeer not 1 but 4 passenger planes? I'll tell you, we have become lazy. We are the fattest, laziest & most arrogant country in the world, besides France. If we do not change our course in the very near future, we will lose all that our founding fathers worked & died achieving. I am 43 years young and have no children(that I know about) but it saddens me to think about the future my niece & nephew have awaiting them. If we allow this current government to keep on it's present course, are country will implode on itself. If I wanted to be a socialist, I would move to Australia where they have better beer & the Great Barrier Reef. We need to get off our fat asses & help ourselves. Let us get out of Iraq & concentrate all of our energies on Bin Laden & the Taliban, they are still a threat to our sovereignty. Let us put all of our domestic attention into reviving our economy & getting people back to work. People working means people spending their earnings. Healthcare is a back burner issue to me. 85% of Americans have insurance & 15% don't. What did Spock say in Star Trek 3? The good of the many outweigh the good of the few? We (Republicans) have been sick of Obuma before you(Democrats) elected him and with every single day he proves that he doesn't have the knowledge(57 states), the respect(zero Russians shook his hand at arm talks) & the experience(1st real job) to lead this country anywhere but down the proverbial toilet. Not to mention he wanted to rename 9-11 to National Service Day(WTF). We all need to take this day & reflect on what happened on 9-11-2001 & the thousands of men, women & children that were murdered in cold blood. Also the thousands of men & women in the military that are protecting our country every single day. They will never give up on us but sadly alot of us have giving up on them & ourselves.
I need a drink!
p.s. can you imagine another terrorist attack that took place during a Titans game on LP Field?
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Ultimate Female Questionaire
#1.Have you ever slept with Darren Petty? If you answered yes, go to the bottom,sign your name, you failed.
2.Do you drink cold beer? if you answered no, bottom, sign name, you failed.
3.Do you want to have kids?
4.What are the ingredients in a Cocaine shooter?
5.Do you smoke cigarettes, crack or meth?
6.What is the greatest rock & roll band ever?
7.How many real live & non imaginary friends do you have?(1 is not a good answer)
8.How many football teams are in the SEC(tricky one since I don't count Vandy)
9.In what country would i find South Pacific Export Lager?
10.Can you make a to die for banana pudding?
11.Do you believe we should help Darfur, Tibet or the U.S.A.?
12.Would you help push California into the Pacific Ocean?
13.Do you eat meat, eggs & cheese?(no vegans will be tolerated)
14.Do you wear hats?
15.Would you like to ride around in a 1972 Olds Cutlass Supreme convertible topless?(dbl meaning)
16.Would you rather go shopping for plants or Sounds Baseball on a pretty night?
17.What is your actual height flat footed & with your biggest heels on?
18.What is your preference in panties?
19.Do you plan on spending $100k of my money on plastic surgery?
20.Do you ever wager oral sex?
21.Do you believe that soccer is a sport(can't use hands,not a sport)
22.Did the North cheat in the Civil War(war of Northern aggression)?
23.Would you of paved Afghanistan after 9-11?
24.Do you ever plan to visit France?
and last but definitely NOT least.....#25 Did you vote for Barack Obama?
There you have it....the Rip Pewett Ultimate Female Questionnaire.
This is a very important tool intended to keep me focused on my business, my football team & my piece of mind. I've always found it a terrible idea to go from one failed relationship into another new,soon to fail relationship. I am going back to being a catch & release is the right thing to do for me & all the girls out there that want to get married, have kids & live in a house with a white picket fence. In the picture are members of our crew & single. See how happy we are & smiling?
Rip Pewett
treasure hunter & single
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Christmas is here, time to open my 3 month present
Cheers & It is great to be a Tennessee Vol!,
Rip Pewett
treasure hunter & die hard college football fan
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