I ain't gonna lie to you....2008 has been one of the hardest years of my life. I got unengaged, moved out, had a terrible financial year, got deeper in debt & both of my football teams sucked! 2009 has to be better or i am gonna age 10 years. Today is Christmas & i am reflecting on alot of bad times this year. To make matters worse I am doing it alone as the woman i love is in her hometown & my family is dysfunctional to say the least. I will get out soon to visit my dad's grave which I usually do on Xmas & then drive around to reflect on what is next for me. I need to step up in all areas of my life & move forward on my visionquest. The pity party won't last long as i have so much to be thankful for & the future is bright! I am very fortunate to be loved, healthy & have incredible desire to do great things! I will be more active with this blog as well. I am having an event planning session with my friends for 2009 in early January. I already have my birthday trip to New Orleans in February & a Wisconsin home football game in September planned. I have to get a plan to turn 2009 into my best year ever! I'll keep you posted. Merry Xmas & happy New Year.
Rip Pewett
treasure hunter