Well so much for a good break up. As I said last time I was laying low so as not to capsize the boat so to speak....well my boat took a direct hit below the belt when I was informed that Jennifer was dating a friend of mine & had been for 2 months! I did the math & realized we had only been apart 3 months...
Geez. The picture is of us at BBQ-Fest in Memphis 2 years ago. Didn't we make a cute couple? It is hard to see but her new boyfriend is in the picture as he is on my BBQ team. Some people just don't get it. It is all about loyalty & respect. Those two obviously don't have either. Oh well,
whatcha gonna do? I'll think of something. In the words of the
Magnificent One...."Revenge is best served up after 10 years!" So I have some time.
On a more positive note...I have recently moved into a 2
bdr lovepad & am in the process of tricking it out to Ripper's own specs. I am 42 yrs young & have never lived by myself...Yep that is what you read. I'm digging it & looking forward to many good times & new memories.
It is also 20 days to UT football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barry, Frank & myself are flying to UCLA on the 28
th for some good times. It should be a stone cold groove my man. Always remember....No matter how good looking she is, somebody is tired of fucking her!
See ya,
Ripper "
Committee of One"