I some times just wonder if I'm flat out lazy. I have a great idea for my own company but yet I am the slowest
entrepreneur in the history of the free world. I have been talking about starting my own import/export business for at least 5 years & still no business. I understand the concept of baby steps but I'm not out of the womb yet. The picture is of a tool I found in Australia called the Super hammer. It is pretty damn cool! I reminds me of the
Leatherman series but has a hammer & wire cutter at the top. I checked Home Depot,
Lowes & even Sears but no Super Hammer. I was getting very excited until I spotted one at a M
apco Convenience store. The wind was out of my proverbial sail but i still wonder why the Big 3 don't have it. The bottom line is ....I need to get off my fat ass & complete my business plan & then start pitching people for investment capital. I hate going to work everyday & being told how to think, how to dress & the proper way to sell. Screw all that. As
I've always said, I am the only boss i will ever truly love.
I should also note that i am too hard on myself as i have come along way in those 5 years. I have paid for my domain name for those 5 years, I have built my own website & designed a pretty
badass logo. I've been back to Australia & built a possible network of Aussie vendors as well as started my business plan. It is coming along but i am more restless than i ever have been in my life. I want to be walking the walk as
I'm tired of
talking the talk. I will keep you posted as my
VisionQuest is bigger than me & it is on a roll. Until next time remember..."You can't steal 2
nd base with your foot on 1st"
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