2 clowns both born on Feb 13th, John is obviously 3 yrs older than myself. I made it to 42, now on to 43. I feel pretty good for 42 but my belly is stuffed from the incredible brisket tacos from Pat Martin's BBQ Joint. I took him my last 11 Schlitz regulars for his store & he paid me in grub. Now I am reflecting on my life before I take a well deserved bday nap, then rise & shine for some more festivities with friends and the UT-Arkansas baskeball game. I'm sure the entire team will thunp that soooey ass for my birthday present. I took the day off as i can't be expected to work as i battle with my own mortality. If I lived in a third world country i would be considered on my last leg but not so much in the U.S.A. I could realistically be half way home. Only God & the Grim Reaper know for sure. Back to the other bday boy, John & i grew up together with both of us spending all of our summers at Wildwood Country Club. He lived in Wildwood Estates & i just squatted at friends houses. The Harpeth River flowed behind the club & we pretty much lived in it. Those were the days before bills, engagements & other forced responsibilities. If you could go back & do it all over again would you? I'd think about it. So today my 42 birthday is dedicated to those times & kicking Arkansas's ass in basketball.